What matters needing attention in installing solar street lamps

Addtime:2022-09-08 Click: 612

What are the precautions for installing solar street lamps? The editor introduces to you, the main contents are as follows:

1. Handle the battery assembly gently when installing it, and it is strictly forbidden to short-circuit or throw the component.

2. The power cord and the junction box, the lamp pole and the assembly are sealed with silica gel, and the battery assembly connection cable should be firmly fixed at the bracket to prevent the power cord from loosening or even falling off due to long-term sagging or pulling.

3. Handle the lamp holder and light source gently when installing the lamp holder and light source to ensure that the light transmission cover is clean and free of scratches. Tumbling and throwing are strictly prohibited. .

4. Do not touch the battery terminal and control valve when moving the battery, and it is forbidden to short-circuit or roll or throw the battery. 

5. When wiring, pay attention to the positive and negative poles, strictly prohibit the reverse connection, the terminal crimping is firm, there is no loosening, at the same time, attention should be paid to the connection sequence, it is strictly forbidden to make the line short circuit.

6. Do not touch the "+"-" pole of the solar cell module and the battery at the same time to avoid the danger of electric shock.

7. Scratches on the lamp body should be avoided during installation.

8. The bolted connections of lamp holder, lamp arm, upper lamp pole assembly, solar cell assembly and so on are firmly connected without loosening.

9. A guard must be added when installing solar cell modules.

10. The galvanized hole of the lamp pole is sealed with special plug or silica gel, pay attention to beauty.


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